Mental Overwhelm
When Your Mind is Screaming for a Break
Have you noticed how terrified we are of not knowing?
The idea of not being able to figure out what's next sends us into a spiral of anxiety.
We humans really like to think we "have it under control.”
When Our Mind is in the Driving Seat
This obsession with control has led us to appoint our mind as the CEO of our lives. Or maybe our reliance on our minds turned us into control freaks? Kind of a chicken & egg situation...
In any case, we've given it the impossible task of figuring everything out, planning for every contingency, and protecting us from the unknown.
Spoiler alert: it is not our mind's job to make the important (life altering) decisions. It may be powerful, but its primary job is only to execute our god-given desires. It's not there to come up with the desire in the first place.
We have much better tools (cue intuition & our bodies) for that!
The Mental Health Crisis We're Not Really Talking About
Here's what nobody's saying: The mental health crisis isn't just about workload or stress. It's about our profound disconnection from our body's intelligence and our spirit nature. We're experiencing the consequences of trying to navigate a multidimensional life using only our rational mind.
Think about it: We've given our mind a job it was never meant to handle. It's like asking AI to give you a hug – wrong tool for the job.
Limitless Creation & Why Your Mind Can't Figure Everything Out
The mind is actually a fertile ground for our fears to take root. Because it's plagued by past experiences, traumas and societal conditioning, it can only conceive what it already knows. Our mind can only work with what it's seen before.
This limitation shows up clearly in how we think about creativity itself. Many of us get scared about the idea of "being creative". Probably even you, if someone ever asked if you were "a creative", would reject the idea it at all costs.
Creativity is for artists. For composers, musicians, painters, dancers and so on. Not for the general muggle like you and I.
But here's the truth that changes everything: Limitless creation is the operating system of the universe. We are part of that creation and inherited this skill at birth. We inherently know how to create.
And if we were not not limited by the confines of our intellect, we would realise that any combination of amazing possibilities could happen at any moment.
“When we rely solely on our mind, we're using a finite tool to access an infinite field of possibility.”
The Antidote: The Body-Soul Solution
After years of working with clients (and myself) on this pattern, I've come to a clear understanding. So I'm just going to go out and say it.
Our soul, through our intuition, desires and subtle body responses, should be in charge of life's direction.
I don't think anyone can continue in the world we're living in today without believing in something beyond the material. And if you're here, you have this belief too.
But anyway, I digress. Consider this:
When do your best ideas come?
Where do you feel truth in your body? (Hint: it's not in your racing thoughts)
How does it feel when you just know something is true? (When you don't need any analysis to know, it's a fact)
How often has your gut feeling been right, even when your mind disagreed?
“The mental health crisis we're experiencing is simply our body and soul screaming: "Enough! There's another way!"
At a deeper level, I also think it's more of a spiritual health crisis but that might alienate some people who need this information the most 😉.
From Control to Flow: Rewiring Our Old Patterns
The shift from perfectionism & obsessive control to a more aligned, easeful life isn't about abandoning our mind – it's about putting it in its rightful place as a Contractor rather than the CEO.
How do you practice it?
Recognise when you're in mental overwhelm (the mind's way of saying "this isn't my job")
Learn to listen to your body's signals and subtle intuitive nudges (this may be hard at first, but with practising somatics this relationship can be built very effectively)
Understanding that uncertainty isn't a problem to solve, but a portal to possibility
Trusting that we're part of something bigger than our individual thinking mind (I call it the Universe, God or Creative Force)
“When we stop trying to control everything through mental force, we can finally receive what's meant for us. We can tap into the limitless creation that is our birthright.”
The Practical Path Forward
This isn't about throwing logic out the window. It is not "killing our ego." I'm not in favour of denying, shunning or obliterating anything that is a part of us.
It's about integration & making all parts working as a whole. It's about learning to:
Use your body as a truth compass
Let your intuition guide big life decisions
Allow your mind to execute rather than control
Trust in the natural unfolding of life
When we release our death grip on control, something magical happens: We find ourselves in flow, where synchronicities become normal and life feels more like surfing waves than pushing against the current. 🌊🏄♀️
Ready to Explore a New Way?
If you're feeling called to explore this deeper, join me for a free masterclass:
FROM CONTROL TO FLOW on Tuesday, December 3rd, 7-8pm UK time.
We'll delve into the patterns of control, perfectionism, and people pleasing through the dimensions of soma (body), mind, and soul. Together, we'll explore how to release the exhausting mental overwhelm and step into a more aligned, intuitive way of being.
Remember: Your mind doesn't need to figure everything out. It just needs to be relieved of a job it was never meant to do.
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