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Healing & growing through
the mind, body & spirit.
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If you’re looking for a practical & down-to-earth rendering of spiritual & psychological knowledge, you’re in the right place…
Breaking Free from Your Mental Prison
Until you learn to step out of the mental prison, you're basically letting your thoughts run your life like a chaotic toddler with scissors. Recipe for disaster.
But here's the good news: peace isn't some mystical state reserved for monks on mountaintops. It's your natural state - you've just got some mental clutter in the way.
Peace is when you're fully present & resist the temptation to follow your mind's lead. It's not an empty mind. It's a mind that's in the backseat.
3 Ways to Work With Your Patterns Successfully
The thing about your patterns is that the more you fixate on them being an issue in getting on with your life, the more likely they are going to define your trajectory.